About 360propertyinvest

360propertyinvest was established for investors by investors. With over 20 years investment experience, unparalleled service and an ethical approach, our one-stop shop brings investors, industry professionals, award winning property and alternative investments together, with the simple aim of offering exceptional financial returns and unrivalled customer service.

As an independent consultancy, not linked to any one developer, we research the global market for the safest and most secure property investment projects. After passing our rigorous due diligence, our qualified advisors will assist you in choosing the right investment to suit your individual strategy.

As a one-stop, advice-driven consultancy, we impart unparalleled independent investment advice completely free of charge to provide investors with exceptional financial returns..

Careful and Professional Due Diligence
All investment property opportunities recommended by 360propertyinvest have been subjected to rigorous examination and due diligence. We never recommend a property investment without this research and our clients have come to expect only the highest standards from our recommendations. Only those property investments that offer value, quality, security and excellent returns on investment make our portfolio.

We are proud to be recommended by highly respected legal and accountancy firms, as well as receiving numerous referrals from our existing property investment clients.

Our comprehensive client service provides a step-by-step customer service, as well as advice on mortgages and furniture packages to help you maximise your investment’s potential